10 Best Books On Spirituality To Raise Your Consciousness

Do you have several unanswered questions about life.
Have you ever wondered where the soul goes after death or just want to know what exactly is the soul.
Ever thought about why good people suffer and how exactly does karma work?
If you want to find the answers to these questions and many more, these 10 books on spirituality/theosophy will help you on the path to your quest of the self.
I have always been a seeker since childhood – A seeker of knowledge. I always wondered about the origin of the universe and about how karma actually works and have always sought this information. I believe that, it is this inner quest in my life which has led me to these ten books on theosophy/spirituality, which have rather changed my perspective of life. I closely cherish each of these 10 books to my heart and feel grateful for having this opportunity to have read these books in my lifetime.
These are the books which I have chanced upon on my personal journey and I am sure you would also cherish these books just as I have.
BOOK1 –  A Soul’s Journey by Peter Richelieu
If there is only one book that you can read in your lifetime, then this is the book that you should read. In this book’s opening , the author is grieving the death of his brother during World War 2. Then, a mysterious person called Acharya turns up and starts explaining to the author about life, death and all the mysteries of the universe. The most amazing aspect of the book is that the author is taken on a journey to each of these seven astral planes  and the mental planes by this Acharya and the beauty and mystery of these planes are wonderfully accounted in this book . This will definitely be one of those books that you will not be able to put down.
The path of evolution of man from a tiny organism, how the law of karma works, where we go during sleep and after death , the conditions of the astral and mental planes and how they look, have all been generously shared in this book . This book would give you knowledge that you would usually not get even after reading several spiritual books. Don’t miss out this book and check out this book by clicking on the image.
BOOK 2 – You can heal your life by Louise Hay
This is one of the self-help handbooks that you can have as a daily bedtime read.  This book talks about all the self limiting patterns and beliefs that limit our life and gives you food for thought along with exercises to work upon. It talks about several important concepts like self criticism, guilt , inner child patterns in your subconscious , forgiveness , prosperity, visualization and affirmations. A separate chapter has also been dedicated to daily routine and how to form a routine to incorporate these practices in your life.
The best part of the book is however the chapter that deals with the subconscious pattern behind diseases and the affirmation for the right thought patterns to heal these diseases. This is must-have book for all energy healers, physiotherapists and health practitioners to understand the deeper meaning of our health and to help heal them on a deeper level.
BOOK3 – A Textbook on Theosophy by C.W Leadbeater
This is one of the best books to get started on theosophy. IF you want to know about evolution, the origin of the universe and the different planes of existence, this is the book to start with.  Also , this is the book you start with to better understand the other books on theosophy like “The Astral Body and other astral phenomena” and “The Mental Body“.  The formation of the solar system , the evolution of all forms of life , death and reincarnation are the other topics discussed in the book from a theosophical point of view.
BOOK4 –  The Astral body and other Astral phenomena by A.E Powell
The Astral body is one of the subtle bodies of man and the astral body is a vehicle for man’s emotions. To understand about the different bodies that man has, click here. This book describes the astral body in detail along with the colours generated when each of the emotions are experienced. What are thought forms and how they influence the astral body, what happens to the astral body during dreams and sleep is also explained in detail. This book instills upon the reader the importance of refining your emotions and thoughts for the development of the astral body and what can be achieved when the consciousness of the astral body is raised. You get to know about the astral entities in the astral plane and what clairvoyance actually means from the purview of a psychic. The last chapter also introduces readers to the concept of invisible helpers and discipleship and what is the journey ahead to be undertaken by the aspiring student.
BOOK5 – The Mental Body
This is a deeper book on theosophy which talks about the mental body – The vehicle for man’s thoughts. At the current point of evolution, man’s mental body is yet very undeveloped. This book talks about the constitution of the mental body through which man expresses his thoughts and the interconnection between the different bodies. The mechanism behind how thoughts work, how we attract similar thoughts from the universe and the concept of thought waves are explained . This would help the reader gain a more profound understanding of how affirmations , visualization and manifestation work once he understands the basic principle of thought waves and thought transference.
How to engage in activities that develop the mental body and what benefits the growth of the mental body are also discussed. The effect of concentration , contemplation and meditation on the mental body are also discussed. The latter part of the book deals with discipleship, reincarnation and the higher devachanic planes and the akashic records.
BOOK6 – Eastern Body Western Mind By Anodea Judith
Anodea Judith is a bestselling author and chakra expert who has written several books on the same. In this book, she draws a correlation between the different personality types and the chakral condition. For example , she explains how a oral personality type would look like and also mentions their underlying fears and beliefs. She then deduces what chakral combination has caused this personality type. In the case of our oral personality, they have an excessive sex and heart chakra which makes them feel needy and dependent. She does this for each of the six personality types in her book and it is worth buying the book just for this correlation.
Apart from this , she goes deep into each chakra and gives a description of its characteristics, its natural childhood developmental patterns, traumas and abuses which would affect each chakra and how to heal each chakra.
Take a Chakral Quiz to understand which chakra person you are.
If you would like to map the personality of a person to their chakras and vice versa, this is the book to go for.
BOOK7 – The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Whether it is spiritual development or development in any area of your life, developing habits is a vital point to your growth in your life. If you do not develop those habits to help you attain success, no amount of self-help books or philosophy can help you. This book talks about the subconscious pattern behind developing habits in individuals and in organizations and how a single habit or a policy change in the organization has a deep rippling effect across the entire organization and can be indeed used as an personal branding strategy.
This book tells you about how setting a goal for yourself can indeed change the pattern of your life and instil new habits easily. If you are the person struggling to get up early or form good habits, this is the book to look for which would definitely motivate you to master those habits.
BOOK8 – The Ancient science and art of Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui
This is an introduction to Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui, the author of Modern Pranic Healing. It is an excellent book for people interested in the science of energy healing and how it works. You can also read this book and start practicing pranic healing immediately. The mechanism and the art behind how pranic healing works along with several protocols for diseases like cold, Asthma, arthritis, body pain , headaches etc., are given in the book, which the reader can apply immediately and start getting results. This book is also given as part of the course BASIC PRANIC HEALING which is a hands-on 2 days practical course where you are guided through the techniques by senior pranic healing practitioners.
You can register for this course here.
BOOK9 – Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahamsa Yogananda
This is one of the books which I had read in the initial days of my spiritual journey and which opened up several doors to my learning experience . In this book, we are taken through the entire life of Yogananda himself. We are taken through the author’s early interest in reading the Bhagavad Gita , his perseverance in his spiritual journey, the trials and tribulations he underwent when he was tutoring with his guru and his early experiences that shaped him. We then read about wonderful encounters with other great saints and their yogic powers and an amazing anecdote about his meeting with Yukteshwarji (his guru) after his death . His guru then enlightens the author about the workings of the astral plane and his role there after his death. The wonders of the kumbha mela and the depictions of the saints make us yearn to visit these sages at least once in our life. Also, the meeting of the author with the great sage Babaji himself is told in a wonderful way and the whole book itself is a spiritual treat for the aspirant and definitely a good book to have in your list.
BOOK10 – The Hidden side of things by C.W Leadbeater
This is a book written from a clairvoyant’s point of view. How does our world look like to a clairvoyant are explored in detail in this book . This would change your consciousness in ways when you understand the deeper meaning of things from a clairvoyant’s view . The author explains about varied things like how different places like mountains , lakes, graveyards , churches etc. look to a clairvoyant. How we are influenced by planets, the sun, our natural surroundings , by nature spirits, by sounds etc., are also dealt in detail in this book. If you always wanted to know how world looks like to a clairvoyant, this is the book to go for.
P.S : I thoroughly enjoyed writing this article which took me down my memory lane and I hope you enjoy these books. Click on the books to see the reviews of these books and start the quest for your self today.
If you are interested in a book review on any of these books in detail, do let us know in the comments section.

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