What is an Aura

Everyone of us have an aura around us. Our aura is made of the physical body we have and the subtle bodies we have.

We have several subtle bodies.

Energy Body – This is the first body we have which extends to about 4 to 5 inches outside our physical body. 


Everyone of us have an aura around us. Our aura is made of the physical body we have and the subtle bodies we have.

We have several subtle bodies.

  • Energy Body – This is the first body we have which extends to about 4 to 5 inches outside our physical body. The energy body interpenetrates the physical body and has major functioning areas called chakras which control the energy body.
  • Emotional body – This is the next subtle body which extends beyond the energy body and interpenetrates the physical and energy bodies. The patterns of our emotions over several lifetimes are stored here . Once we make an effort to raise our vibration and change our emotional state, we are upgrading this emotional body.
  • Mental Body – This subtle body has our mental patterns and thoughts . Every time we learn a new concept, language or skill, we are in fact upgrading our mental body. Positive Affirmations and visualizations in fact raise our vibrations by changing the patterns of our mental body.

Our aura is made up of all these bodies which work connected with each other and by cleansing the aura we cleanse all these bodies . Hence our subtle energies, emotions and thoughts will be cleansed when we do an aura cleanse.

Once your aura is cleansed, you can then use other techniques to manifest your dreams and goals. Some of these are

      • Positive Affirmations
      • Visualizations
      • Vision Board Techniques

These techniques when done after an aura cleanse are even more effective in manifesting your dreams or goals.

You can learn more about manifesting your goals through  Vision Boards Here.

For more details on how to cleanse your aura and raise your vibration, click on the video below.


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